Understanding diabetes on Aging Adults featured image homecare4u

Understanding diabetes on Aging Adults [Infographic]

Younger bodies often have a more efficient metabolism that allows the easy digestion of food for growth and energy. However, as we continue to age, our metabolism becomes slower, making it harder to break down these substances for nutrition.

Most people have been told to watch their diet and be careful about what they eat while growing up. Poor food choice could be one of the many reasons why some individuals develop diabetes, which is a metabolism disorder where the body does not produce enough insulin to convert glucose into energy.

When senior adults do not monitor their food intake and lifestyle choices, they can gradually develop diabetes.

If an elder loved one with diabetes is aging in place, they might need someone to help them with certain activities like remembering to take their medications, exercise, or prepare healthy meals. 24 Hour Caregivers Old Saybrook CT, can help seniors with these endeavors.

With this type of home care assistance in CT, well-experienced caregivers will reside in the elder loved one’s home, providing them the proper care and service needed. Providers of senior care CT know the importance of ensuring an elder loved one’s health, especially if they are diagnosed with health conditions like diabetes.

For more information on understanding diabetes in aging adults, Euro-American Connections & Homecare provides the following infographic.